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Organization is Key for Music Production Pt. 1


There's the old saying that music is 90 percent business and 10 percent music. For those that take music serious I'm sure they've heard this time and time again. Quite honestly, if you don't understand this concept you'll have some difficult times ahead as you try to accomplish making music.

As I type this, I'm nearing the end of my projected date to complete a project that I've been working on. The issues that popped up are the reasons that I decided to make this post.

I decided to set aside time to record this weekend to knock down the remaining songs that needed to be finished to keep me on my schedule. No biggie, this should go smooth right? Wrong! My computer had limited disk space so it warned me that I was running low.

So, the lesson learned here is by not organizing my files and recording sessions I had ultimately sealed my own fate well before it became an issue. Failing to be organized while recording music cost me precious time to get the job done when it was really needed. I had a weekend that I could have spent hammering out the verses but instead it was spent researching what I needed to do to solve this problem.

The problem was bigger than I could have imagined because it made me have to decide what steps to take to make sure I could get back to recording and to also, figure out how to not let this happen again.

This all could have been avoided if I would have remembered this industry is 90 percent business and 10 percent music. So my advice to anyone is before you start one thing you should have finished the thing that comes before it.

This topic will be discussed over a series of posts. There are quite a few elements that contributed to this mistake and I'd like to touch on each one separately. Feel free to share or comment and be sure to sign up for all updates.


South East Wilson is producer, songwriter, and recording artist. Feel free to contact at Let the world know what you think leave a comment below.

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