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How to Overcome Writers Block



I've never experienced writers block to the degree where I couldn't find the words to say. The biggest issue I've run into was having too many words or ideas in my mind at one time. In these moments I experience a block due to a lack of clarity as my creativity is hindered by an over abundance of choices. This post is for the person who hasn't discovered a way to break that blockage.

A while ago, I was working on one particular project that was nearing it's end and the producers suggested I create more songs. We'd already spent maybe 6 months working on this project and I was really nearing a point were my emotions were no longer connected to the project. Not because I wasn't in a creative space or a lack of inspiration. The issue was I no longer felt the way I did when we started.

My mind and my feelings had grown in that short period of time and I was well aware that what I was capable of creating had no connection to what I had already recorded. The project was done! There was nothing left in my creative bag to contribute to that body of work. I didn't experience writers block but I knew I was done writing. My mind wanted to relax and not be creative because I worked it for way too long. I just wanted to live and not feel the pressures of recording and mixing.

Sometimes that's all it takes. You just need to stop trying so hard. If it doesn't flow you're forcing it and that's never good.

So the question still remains, how do you defeat writers block.

I feel you only have two options and it depends on the way your mind works. The first I just wrote about. Quit!!! It's that simple. Sometimes you need to stop and observe life for a little inspiration. This method requires time so I'm sure whoever reads this wants to know how to over come writers block right now.

The other way, which is one that I employ regularly, is to write and write until the block subsides. Generally, I've found that you have to get the horrible ideas out the way by letting them out. I know I explained earlier that you should never force it and to me this method isn't exactly forcing your way through it. This method is more of getting bad ideas out of the way.

The great thing about writing your way through a block is now you have these ideas that may seem horrible but upon closer examination offer possible foundations to something worth creating.

So that's why I never have an issue with writers block. I can write about anything if I have to, but there are times I don't want to. What advice would you give to someone experiencing writers block? What do you do to break it?


South East Wilson is a producer, songwriter, and recording artist who offers services to up and coming artist as well as established artist. Feel free to contact me at

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